



Popular Therapies

Abhyanga (Ayurveda Whole-Body Massage)

Abhyanga is also known as Ayurvedic Oil Massage. In this therapy, massage with herbal oil, appropriate for a person’s doshic state rejuvenates, softens and strengthens the skin, providing deep nourishment to the tissues. It helps to strength and resilience to the body and limbs, provides vigor to the dhatus (tissues) of the body, increases circulation and pacifies the doshas.

Benefits of Abhyanga (Ayurveda Massage)

  • Calms nerves and promotes deeper and better sleep
  • Eliminates body impurities and helps in reducing weight
  • Softens and smoothes skin, reduces effects of ageing
  • Improves blood circulation and stimulates internal organs

60 Minutes $89


Shirodhara is a unique form of ancient therapy of pouring oil on the forehead from a specific height and for a specific period continuously and uniformly in a rhythm allowing the oil to run through the scalp and into the hair in a rhythmic manner which invigorate your mind and body leading to a deep tranquil effect. The procedure is done for at least 45 min. 

Benefits of Shirodhara

  • Generates a profound state of relaxation, and brings balance and harmony to body, mind, and spirit.
  • Relieves anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, fatigue, negative emotions, and mood swings.
  • Prevents hair loss and damage by nourishing hair follicles, roots and scalp.

45 Minutes $89

Combo Therapies Of Abhayanga & Shirodhara (60 minutes WHOLE BODY MASSAGE and 30 minutes Shirodhara

90 Minutes $129


Ayurvedic head massage focuses on the shoulders, neck, face and head, the areas most vulnerable to stress and tension. The head massage induces a state of calm, peace and tranquility and promotes high levels of alertness and concentration. During the Ayurvedic Head Massage, Ayurvedic oil will be kept for a suitable period on the head of an individual.

Benefits of Abhyanga (Ayurveda Massage)

  • A wonderful and beneficial programmed for de-stressing the whole body
  • Increase the flow of cerebra-spinal fluids, thus strengthening the nervous system
  • Helpful against eyestrain, tinnitus, jaw ache and sinusitis, stimulates lymphatic drainage and aids sleep
  • Nourishes hair roots, prevents hair loss and premature greying

30 Minutes $69


Pinda sweda is a unique therapy where a poultice of herbs is used for fomentation. This improves circulation and helps relieve pain, swelling and stiffness. Different variants of Pinda sweda are used depending on the materials including Patra (fresh herb leaves), Churna (herbal powder), Jambeera (Lemon), Shashtika shali (red rice) etc. Pinda sweda also strengthens the bones and muscles.

Benefits of Pinda Sweda

  • Strengthens the back and spine
  • Reduces pain and swelling
  • Reduces stiffness and inflammation
  • Arthritis, Paralysis
  • Body pain and numbness

75 Minutes $139


Ayurvedic Facial which refers to application of an Ayurvedic facial mask, consisting of various herbal pastes that promote beneficial effects on skin. This therapy includes a face massage and application of ayurvedic face pack prescribed by and Ayurveda physician, as per a person’s bodily constitution and needs.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Facial (Mukh Lepana)

  • Prevents ageing of the skin.
  • Reduces skin wrinkles and tones the skin.
  • Alleviates the problems associated with skin injuries.
  • Reduces swelling and pain.
  • Pacifies pigmentation.
  • Decreases discoloration of facial skin.

45 Minutes $89


Ayurveda foot care treatment applies herbal oil on all the marma points of the feet. By stimulating the foot marma points, connections are made at the subtlest level of the nervous system for release of emotional stress.

Benefit of Pada Abhyanga

  • Relaxes and soothes nerves and revitalizes the central nervous system
  • Improves your circulation, which addresses the numbness in the feet.
  • Reduces stress, depression, and anxiety
  • Promotes restful sleep and cures several sleep disorders including insomnia

30 Minutes $69

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