



Ayurvedic Massage For Pregnant Women

Pre-Natal Care:

Ayurveda outlines ideal guidelines under Garbhiniparicharya (care of pregnant woman) to be followed during pregnancy to achieve proper growth of the fetus, a healthy pre-natal period, an uncomplicated delivery and to promote the overall well-being of both mother and child. The science also describes pre-natal medications and therapies for each period from conception to delivery in order to avoid complications in pregnancy and to make the labor easier.

We, at Sevayu understand the importance of pre-natal care and provide quality service to help you stay in the best health and prepare you for the birth of your baby.

Post-Natal Care:

Ayurveda places equal importance on the post-natal period. This phase is called the Sutika-kala – meaning “period after delivery.” There are different opinions about the duration of this period, which range from six weeks to six months to the restoration of the menstrual cycle. It is well known that certain changes to mind and body take place during Sutika-kala such as loss of weight, loss of body fluid, lacerated genital tract, constipation, mental stress, etc. The power of digestion is also reduced. These are mainly because Vata gets aggravated immediately after delivery. Proper adherence to a post-natal care routine can result in faster recuperation and serves to:
  • Pacify Vata
  • Restore the power of digestion
  • Relieve exhaustion and increase the strength of the mother
  • Prevent infections and improve immunity
  • Provide a sense of physical and mental well-being
massage for pregnant women


Pregnancy care consists of prenatal (before birth) and postnatal (after birth) healthcare for expectant mothers. It involves therapies and training to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery for mom and baby.

Ayurveda has always given importance to care for the female at every phase of her life in respect of menstrual care, antenatal care and postnatal care.

Antenatal care is the systemic supervision of women during pregnancy. Its aim is to preserve the physiological aspect of pregnancy and labour. According to Ayurvedic perspective, Garbhini Paricharya refers to antenatal care with recommendations of Aahara (specific dietary regimen), Vihara (normal daily activities and therapeutic procedure) & modifications in psychological behaviour. Acharyas have outlined a monthly dietary regimen to meet an increase of caloric intake of pregnant women, behavioural alterations to enhance spiritual & mental status, and herbal medication & procedure to treat complications during pregnancy. Garbhini paricharya provides the needs of the growing foetus, the maintenance of maternal health, and the strength and vitality required during labour and for successful lactation. Inadequate care during this time breaks a critical link and affects both women and babies.

Ayurveda believes that the birth of a child triggers an imbalance in the body’s doshas, as a large gap is created in the womb that was once occupied by the fetus and placenta. The process of childbirth, which is physically demanding and rigorous, excites Vata dosha. Once Vata is aggravated, it is in its nature to rush in and occupy empty spaces and childbirth gives Vata a large empty space to occupy. Traditional post natal practices therefore centre around nourishing, oil and ghee based warm food and regimens like abhyanga to remove fatigue, provide strength back to the body and reduce the likelihood of vata rushing in and upsetting the body’s dosha balance.

There are different opinions about the duration of this period, which ranges from six weeks to six months and some believe that it lasts until the restoration of menstrual cycle. A special diet plan for the prasuta (the lady who has just delivered) is recommended for this period to make good the loss of the reproductive fluids and blood during the pregnancy and delivery. The prasuta should consume light, yet nourishing food during the sutika kaal (period between delivery and first menstrual cycle thereafter).

Ayurveda says that after delivery, the mother’s digestive fire (agni) will be low and vata is vitiated immediately after delivery & the aims of postnatal care is to restore the agni, balance the vata, and optimize the quality of breast milk. Thus, to calm the vata which is vitiated, oil massages are recommended. After delivery, the woman becomes weak due to labour pains & loss of blood. Mithyaachar (inappropriate physical and mental behavior) in this period definitely results in incurable diseases or diseases which are difficult to cure. At Sevayu, a special lifestyle is recommended, as suggested by Ayurveda, called Sutika Paricharya, which is reviewed in detail to maintain the health of the client.

The initial 42 days after giving birth are an important time for healing and transition, physically and emotionally. While there is a temptation to jump back into “normal life”, honoring your body’s needs to heal and slow down will actually speed up your recovery. Ayurveda has supported this approach for thousands of years with a beautiful tradition of postpartum care. It includes foods and rituals that are incredibly grounding, nurturing, and nourishing.

At Sevayu, our Vaidyas can assist by outlining a plan that best supports your needs. This includes Abhyanga (ayurvedic oil massage), preparation of a post-massage herbal bath that helps relieve pain and stiffness, easy to digest and nourishing Ayurvedic meals, dietary guidance, self-care guidance, ayurvedic herbal formulas to aid your recovery process and support lactatio

Ayurveda places an enormous emphasis on the importance of caring for the mother before, during and after pregnancy as diet,
lifestyle and thought processes of the pregnant woman directly affects the development of the fetus.

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