



Ayurvedic Massage For Pregnant Women

Pre-Natal Care:

Ayurveda outlines ideal guidelines under Garbhiniparicharya (care of pregnant woman) to be followed during pregnancy to achieve proper growth of the fetus, a healthy pre-natal period, an uncomplicated delivery and to promote the overall well-being of both mother and child. The science also describes pre-natal medications and therapies for each period from conception to delivery in order to avoid complications in pregnancy and to make the labor easier. We, at Sevayu understand the importance of pre-natal care and provide quality service to help you stay in the best health and prepare you for the birth of your baby.

This Therapy not covered by insurance.

Post-Natal Care:

Ayurveda places equal importance on the post-natal period. This phase is called the Sutika-kala – meaning “period after delivery.” There are different opinions about the duration of this period, which range from six weeks to six months to the restoration of the menstrual cycle. It is well known that certain changes to mind and body take place during Sutika-kala such as loss of weight, loss of body fluid, lacerated genital tract, constipation, mental stress, etc. The power of digestion is also reduced. These are mainly because Vata gets aggravated immediately after delivery. Proper adherence to a post-natal care routine can result in faster recuperation and serves to:
  • Pacify Vata
  • Restore the power of digestion
  • Relieve exhaustion and increase the strength of the mother
  • Prevent infections and improve immunity
  • Provide a sense of physical and mental well-being

This Therapy not covered by insurance.
massage for pregnant women

Best Massage For Pregnancy

A newborn’s arrival is a wonderful event, and it is crucial to make sure that the mother and the child are given the best care and attention possible throughout this process.

Our Ayurvedic Wellness Center provides you with the best combination of therapies called pre-natal and post-natal care. It is important for your health and the well-being of your unborn baby that you take care of yourself during and after pregnancy. Our combination of pregnancy massage therapy offers the best massage for pregnancy. At Sevayu, we help you enjoy this wonderful journey of motherhood.

Our pregnancy massage therapy includes Prenatal care. It is the care and attention given to pregnant moms to protect the health of the mother and the unborn child during pregnancy. Combining nutritional advice, lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, and specialized treatments for the mother, Ayurvedic Pre Natal Care addresses several aspects of her health.

The second therapy of our pregnancy massage therapy is Post-natal care which refers to the assistance and support given to new moms to aid in their mental and physical healing following childbirth. Specialized meal programs, herbal medicines, massages, and treatments are all part of Ayurvedic Post Natal Care, which aims to stimulate lactation, promote healing, and restore vitality.

Significant changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy, and Ayurvedic massage for pregnant women can be very helpful in reducing discomfort and enhancing general health. We offer pregnancy massage and specialized therapies tailored to the needs of expectant mothers and new moms at our wellness center. Our skilled therapists offer the best postpartum massage with an emphasis on releasing muscle tension, reducing stress levels, and encouraging relaxation.

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